Customer Connect

Customer Connect

Customer Connect provides creative solution to businesses, corporates and professionals by helping them bring better customer experience and construct efficient workplace.

Use Customer Connect to automate your workplace and stay ahead of your competition. Contact now.

Lead Generation/ Customer Registration

Increase the number of lead generation and customer registration


Hassel free journey for your customers in the quest to find information

Applications/ Requests

Automatically send customer's request and information to the relevant department

Grievance Redressal

Quick and accurate solution for a better customer experience

Progress Tracking

Track progress of the project.
Keep a track of pending work and timeline

AI based Customer Journey

Enhanced customer experience with powerful AI based software

Knowledge Flow

One of the biggest challenge faced by any organisation in turning a visitor into a customer is lack of information flow. 90% of the customers says they are not able to find the required information on a website although they knew the company did provide that service. We help companies in improving their information flow for their customers.

Customer Service Enhancement

Customers love it when it's easy to get service on time. Your swiftness of service not only help you keep your customers but also help you get recommendations and more business. Surveys says company's with better customer services see exponential growth as compared to their competitors.

Bottleneck Tracking

ProcessRobo not only helps you automate your operations but also points out the Phases and parts which take most of the time in any given process. This information helps you take further improve your process and remove the Bottlenecks in turn further improving your processes.

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